Why Your Leopard Gecko Is Aggressive

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Leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptile pets around the world. They are docile, easy to care for, and are known for their friendly nature. However, like any living creature, there could be instances where geckos can show signs of aggression. It’s important to understand the signs, causes, and remedies for such behavior to ensure that your gecko is healthy and comfortable in its environment.


What are the signs of aggression in leopard geckos?

Leopard geckos are generally shy, and they don’t usually show aggression towards their owners. However, when they’re threatened or when they feel disturbed or uncomfortable, they can exhibit certain behaviors that signify aggression. Here are some of the signs that you should watch out for:

1. Hissing – Geckos hiss to warn their predators or attackers. When they feel threatened, they puff out their bodies, arch their backs, and hiss to scare off the aggressor.

2. Tail-shaking – Tail-shaking is another warning sign that leopard geckos use to signal aggression. If your gecko is shaking its tail, it means that it’s irritated or stressed.

3. Biting – Biting is one of the most obvious signs of aggression in leopard geckos. If your gecko bites you, it means that it’s feeling threatened or scared.

4. Lunging – Lunging is a behavior where a gecko jumps forward with its mouth open, trying to attack its prey or aggressor. This behavior is a sign of aggression, and it’s usually accompanied by hissing and tail-shaking.

5. Flattening – Flattening is when a gecko flattens its body, spreading its legs out to look bigger. This behavior is a defensive mechanism to intimidate predators or attackers.

6. Chasing – Chasing is another behavior that leopard geckos exhibit when they feel threatened or uncomfortable. They’ll chase after their aggressors or attackers, trying to ward them off.


What causes aggression in leopard geckos?

Aggression in leopard geckos can be caused by several factors. It’s important to identify the root cause of the aggression to provide the appropriate remedy. Here are some of the common causes of aggression in leopard geckos:

1. Improper housing – Leopard geckos require a specific type of housing to feel comfortable and secure. If their enclosure is too small, too crowded, or provides inadequate lighting, heat, or humidity, they can become stressed and agitated.

2. Territorial behavior – Leopard geckos can become territorial, especially during the breeding season. Males may become aggressive towards other males or even females to protect their territory.

3. Illness or injury – If a leopard gecko is feeling sick or injured, it can become agitated and aggressive. A sick or injured gecko may lash out when it’s handled or feel threatened.

4. Poor handling – Improper or rough handling can also cause aggression in leopard geckos. If a gecko is picked up incorrectly, squeezed too tightly, or frightened, it may become aggressive.

5. Strange environment – Leopard geckos can become stressed when they’re introduced to a new environment or moved to a different enclosure. They may feel threatened by the new surroundings and may exhibit aggressive behavior.

6. Lack of socialization – If a leopard gecko is not socialized or handled regularly, it may become fearful of people and may exhibit aggressive behavior.


What can be done to remedy aggression in leopard geckos?

If you notice that your leopard gecko is exhibiting signs of aggression, it’s best to address the issue immediately. Here are some remedies that you can try:

1. Check the housing – Ensure that your gecko’s enclosure meets the necessary requirements for lighting, humidity, temperature, and space. Make sure that the enclosure is clean and free from disease-carrying parasites.

2. Separate the geckos – If you have more than one leopard gecko, separate them to avoid territorial behavior and fighting.

3. Handling and socialization – Handle your gecko gently but regularly to help them get used to people. Socializing with your gecko can help them become more comfortable and less aggressive.

4. Consult a veterinarian – If you suspect that your gecko is sick or injured, take it to a veterinarian for a check-up. A veterinarian can diagnose and treat any illnesses or injuries that may be causing your gecko’s aggression.

5. Use caution – Be cautious when handling an aggressive gecko and try not to agitate it further. Use a towel or gloves to protect yourself from bites.

6. Seek professional help – If your gecko’s aggression is severe or if it’s not responding to the remedies above, seek the help of a professional reptile behaviorist or veterinarian.



Leopard geckos are generally docile and friendly pets, but they can exhibit signs of aggression if they feel threatened or uncomfortable. It’s important to identify the root cause of the aggression and provide the appropriate remedy to ensure that your gecko is healthy and comfortable in its environment. With proper care, handling, and socialization, your leopard gecko can be a happy and friendly pet for many years to come.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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