Why Is My Leopard Gecko Pale?

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Leopard geckos have incredible colors that differ from individual to individual. However, there are situations when you can be perplexed, “Why is my leopard gecko pale but not shedding?” Is this normal or do you need to be worried at all? We shall explore the causes of leopard geckos’ occasional paleening without shedding through this article, including everything from environmental problems to illnesses.

Asking yourself “Has my leopard gecko been acting unusual lately” should be your first line of inquiry. It’s not usually accepted as normal when a leopard gecko becomes pale. Yes, going a little pale when shedding is entirely normal, but in this situation, given the “not shedding” element, we must infer it’s unnatural.

There are a few additional reasons why your leopard gecko might be starting to look a touch pale if we rule out the chance of shedding.


What Are The Reasons Leopard Geckos Look Pale?

Examples of causes for a leopard gecko to seem pale but not shed fur include;


  • Enclosure temperature

Think about whether the Leopard Gecko’s enclosure is exposed to direct sunlight or is hotter than 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). Due to moisture loss, heat and sunlight can both dry up Leo’s skin and cause discoloration.

Assure that the enclosure is kept between 30 and 40 percent humid and at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius (77 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit).


  • Environmental stress

A Leopard Gecko’s skin may turn pale if it feels threatened or under pressure. Factors in the gecko’s enclosure or its surroundings may cause stress.

It will take new Leopard Geckos a week to adjust to their surroundings and homes. It’s recommended to refrain from making physical contact as Leo settles in. Once they are more comfortable with you as your owner and have returned to their usual color, they should do so.

Think about how many geckos you are housing in relation to the size of your enclosure. To prevent conflict if you have numerous Leos, be sure to provide several shelters, food, and water sources.


  • Diet

A leopard gecko’s food can also have a significant impact on why its skin appears pale. You might notice skin discoloration in your leopard gecko if its food isn’t a mainstay, including the right vitamins and minerals.

Live protein meals including crickets, caliworms, waxworms, mealworms, and dubia roaches should make up a leopard gecko’s diet. These foods shouldn’t be larger than a gecko’s head since any larger and they won’t even attempt to feed on them.

Every day, feed young animals five to seven tiny bugs or other live meals. Adults can be given about 6-7 huge crickets or live meals every other day. Fruit and vegetables should be avoided in the meals of leopard geckos because they don’t typically consume them.


  • Diseases and Illnesses

There are many conditions and disorders that could be mentioned that all may manifest as pale skin, but there are two that I believe are the most likely.

Chronic malnutrition comes first. Leopard geckos frequently suffer from malnutrition as a result of their difficulty in obtaining all the vitamins and minerals they require from their natural meals. For this reason, you should always sprinkle powdered vitamins and minerals on your diet to increase your intake of essential vitamins and minerals.


Which One Of These Factors Should You Be Most Concerned About?

Of course, all of these things should alarm you. There is no other explanation for your leopard geckos’ skin to be turning pale besides shedding.

So, if I had to pick one of these factors to worry about the most, it would be STRESS.

The other three elements mentioned above as well as many others can contribute to stress. Due to their innate shyness, leopard geckos naturally experience stress at a faster rate. Here is a list of potential stressors for a leopard gecko because geckos get stressed out over pretty much everything.

Avoiding any of them may seem impossible at first, but after some practice, any leopard gecko keeper should be able to do it without thinking about it. You should acquire accustomed to these factors so that you can identify potential causes of your gecko’s stress.

In any event, I would advise visiting a veterinarian to be sure if the stress levels were to persist for more than a few days. There can be some hidden health problems that aren’t immediately obvious.


What To Do When My Leopard Gecko’s Skin Turns Pale

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your pet gecko so you can spot any behavioral changes.

Turning pale generally shouldn’t be cause for concern, but if it’s followed by a change in behavior, such as extreme hostility or a loss of appetite, you should be extra cautious.

What you can do if your leopard gecko turns pale is listed below.

  • Wait a couple of days. The beginning and end of the shedding process typically take several days.
  • For your leopard gecko, losing its skin might be distressing, so it can hide. It is advised to let your gecko alone because it will become quite stressed out and may even become slightly violent.
  • If there’s no sign of shedding, you can try to move the gecko to another location and check the current temperature of his enclosure.
  • Check his diet intake and change the food you offer from time to time.
  • If none of this works, schedule a visit to a veterinarian to get your gecko checked up.



Hopefully, this information has assisted in addressing the query “Leopard gecko pale but not shedding? ”. Always conduct your study on the best-powdered supplements for your specific gecko’s needs and dietary requirements. Always remember to provide a diversified diet, as one of the main causes of discoloration.

Paleness in leopard geckos is uncommon unless it is caused by shedding. As a result, you should keep a tight eye on your gecko’s health unless it is shedding. Investigate the cause of this and take immediate action to correct it.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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