Taking Care Of Geckos During Power Outage

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Leopard geckos are popular pets, known for their unique color patterns, docile temperament, and ease of care. However, unexpected events like power outages can pose a threat to their well-being. Without proper heating and lighting, the environment can become too cold, leading to health problems, stress, and even death. 


In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to ensure your leopard gecko stays healthy and comfortable during a power outage. From preparing for the worst to providing alternative heat sources, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know. So, whether you’re new to leopard gecko care or an experienced owner, read on to learn how to take care of your pet during a power outage.


Preparing For A Power Outage

  1. Keep a backup heat source: In case of a power outage, make sure you have a backup heat source such as a heat lamp, heat mat, or ceramic heater. Keep these in a safe place where they can easily be accessed in case of an emergency.
  2. Store food and water: Stock up on your gecko’s food and water supplies. If the power outage lasts longer than a day, you’ll want to make sure your gecko has enough food and water to last.
  3. Check the temperature: Keep a thermometer in the enclosure to monitor the temperature during a power outage. If the temperature drops below the ideal range for leopard geckos, you may need to intervene to keep them warm.
  4. Have a plan for evacuation: In extreme cases, the power outage may last for several days or even weeks. In this case, you’ll need to have a plan in place for evacuation. Consider reaching out to friends or family members who are willing to take in your gecko during the emergency.
  5. Consider purchasing a generator: If power outages are a frequent occurrence in your area, consider investing in a generator. This will ensure that your gecko’s enclosure stays warm and comfortable, even during a power outage.


What To Do During A Power Outage

  • Keep your gecko’s terrarium warm: During a power outage, your gecko’s terrarium can quickly lose heat. Keep a close eye on the temperature and use a heat lamp or hot pad to maintain a consistent temperature of around 80-85°F.
  • Maintain humidity levels: Leopard geckos need a certain level of humidity to stay healthy. If the power outage lasts for an extended period, you may need to manually mist the terrarium to keep the humidity levels in check.
  • Keep your gecko fed: During a power outage, it is important to keep your gecko fed. If you have a supply of live insects, you can feed your gecko by hand. If not, store-bought crickets can also be fed.
  • Keep your gecko calm: A power outage can be stressful for your gecko. Keep the terrarium calm and quiet to help your gecko stay relaxed.
  • Prepare a backup plan: If the power outage is expected to last for an extended period, consider having a backup plan in place. You may need to temporarily move your gecko to a different location that has power and heat.


It’s important to have a plan in place for emergencies like power 


What To Do After A Power Outage

  • Check the temperature: Leopard geckos need a warm environment, so check the temperature of their habitat to make sure it hasn’t dropped too low. If it has, use a heat lamp or other heating source to warm it back up.
  • Check the humidity: Humidity levels can drop quickly during a power outage, so it’s important to monitor the humidity levels and make sure they stay within a healthy range. You can use a hygrometer or mist the enclosure to raise the humidity levels.
  • Provide food and water: Make sure your leopard gecko has access to food and water after a power outage. If their food has been sitting out, it’s best to replace it with fresh food to avoid spoilage.
  • Observe your pet: Keep an eye on your leopard gecko for any signs of stress or illness, such as lack of appetite, lethargy, or abnormal behavior.
  • Plan for future outages: Consider purchasing a backup power source or generator to ensure your leopard gecko’s habitat stays warm and comfortable during future power outages.



In conclusion, a power outage can be a stressful time for leopard geckos as they depend on heat sources to regulate their body temperature. It is important to have backup plans in place to ensure that their environment remains warm and safe. A heat lamp or heat pad, backup batteries, and a generator can help you keep the temperature stable during a power outage. Also, make sure to check the temperature regularly and provide enough food and water for your gecko. By taking these steps, you can ensure the well-being and safety of your leopard gecko during a power outage.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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