Providing Calcium For Your Leopard Gecko

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Leopard geckos are fascinating creatures that make great pets. These small reptiles need a balanced diet that is high in calcium to keep their bones healthy. Calcium is vital to their well-being, and not getting enough of it can cause severe health problems, including metabolic bone disease. In this article, we will share useful information on how to provide calcium for your leopard gecko through a healthy diet.


Why is calcium essential for leopard geckos?

Calcium is essential for leopard geckos (and many other reptiles) because it plays a critical role in their overall health and well-being. Specifically, calcium is important for leopard geckos for the following reasons:

  1. Bone growth and maintenance: Calcium is a key component of bone tissue, so it is necessary for the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Leopard geckos need a sufficient amount of calcium in their diet to ensure that their bones remain strong and healthy.
  2. Muscle function: Calcium is also important for muscle function, including the contraction and relaxation of muscles. Without adequate calcium, leopard geckos may experience muscle weakness or cramping.
  3. Nerve function: Calcium is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. It helps to transmit nerve impulses and maintain the electrical charge of nerve cells.
  4. Egg-laying: Female leopard geckos require a sufficient amount of calcium to produce eggs. If they do not have enough calcium, they may develop a condition called egg-binding, where the eggs become stuck and cannot be laid.

To ensure that leopard geckos are getting enough calcium, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet that includes calcium-rich foods, such as insects, calcium-fortified commercial diets, and calcium supplements.


How much calcium do leopard geckos need?

Leopard geckos require a good amount of calcium in their diet to maintain healthy bones, muscle function, and other bodily functions. A lack of calcium in their diet can lead to various health issues such as metabolic bone disease, which can be fatal if not addressed promptly.

It is recommended that adult leopard geckos be fed a diet that contains calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2:1 to 1:1. This means that for every two parts of calcium in their diet, there should be one part phosphorus. Calcium can be provided through a variety of sources, including gut-loaded insects (such as crickets, mealworms, and roaches) dusted with a calcium supplement powder, as well as through a high-quality calcium supplement that can be added to their food.

It is also important to ensure that the leopard gecko is receiving enough vitamin D3, which is necessary for proper calcium absorption. Vitamin D3 can be obtained through exposure to UVB lighting or by providing a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement.

Overall, it is important to provide a well-balanced diet that meets the calcium and other nutritional needs of leopard geckos to ensure their overall health and well-being.


What are the best sources of calcium for leopard geckos?

There are several ways to provide calcium for your leopard gecko, including:

– Calcium-rich foods: Many common feeder insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches, are high in calcium and make an excellent source of nutrition for leopard geckos. Some vegetables are also high in calcium and can provide additional nutrients to your pet’s diet.

– Calcium powder supplements: Calcium supplements are an excellent way to ensure that your leopard gecko is receiving enough calcium. You can sprinkle the powder over their food, or dust your feeder insects before feeding them to your pet.

– Calcium blocks: Some pet stores sell calcium blocks that provide an additional source of calcium for your leopard gecko. The blocks contain compressed calcium and are designed to be licked by your pet. They come in different flavors and sizes, but be careful not to overdo it.


When should I provide calcium to my leopard gecko?

It’s important to provide calcium to your leopard gecko regularly. For juveniles, it’s recommended that they have calcium supplementation for every feeding. For adults, you can provide calcium supplements every other day. Calcium blocks can be offered inside the tank to lick as desired but shouldn’t replace proper nutrient supplementation.


How can I make sure my leopard gecko is getting enough calcium?

One way to ensure that your leopard gecko is getting enough calcium is by regularly dusting their food with calcium powder. Be sure to use a calcium powder that includes vitamin D3, as this helps your leopard gecko to absorb the calcium.

Another way to provide calcium is by feeding your leopard gecko insects that are high in calcium, such as crickets or dubia roaches. Some insects, such as mealworms, are low in calcium and should only be fed in moderation.

Offering your leopard gecko calcium blocks in their vivarium is also recommended, but it should not be the only source of calcium.


What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency or metabolic bone disease in leopard geckos?

If your leopard gecko is not receiving enough calcium, it can develop metabolic bone disease. Symptoms of the condition include:

– Weak or wobbly legs
– Limp tail
– Swollen or deformed limbs
– Difficulty walking or climbing
– Loss of appetite
– Weight loss

If you notice any of these symptoms in your leopard gecko, it’s important to seek advice from a veterinarian immediately.



In conclusion, providing calcium for your leopard gecko is an essential part of keeping your pet healthy. There are many ways to provide calcium, including supplements, calcium-rich foods, and calcium blocks, but it’s crucial to not over-supplement. Be sure to keep a close eye on your leopard gecko’s health and watch for signs of metabolic bone disease. Investing in your pet’s nutrition can help to avoid serious health issues and preserve the wellbeing of your leopard gecko for years to come.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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