Leopard Gecko Feeding Schedule For Hatchlings

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Leopard geckos are fascinating creatures that make great pets for reptile enthusiasts. These small lizards are relatively easy to care for, but it’s important to establish a proper feeding schedule to ensure they thrive in their new environment. Hatchling leopard geckos require a specific feeding regimen to support their growth and development, which can vary from the feeding schedule of adult geckos. In this article, we’ll explore the best feeding practices for hatchling leopard geckos, including what and how much to feed them, and the frequency of feedings. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to provide your hatchling leopard gecko with the nutrition it needs to live a long and healthy life.


How often should I feed my hatchling leopard gecko?

Hatchling leopard geckos need to be fed more frequently than their adult counterparts. You should plan to feed your hatchling every day – sometimes even twice a day – for the first few months of their life. As they grow older, you can gradually decrease the frequency of their meals.


What types of food should I offer my hatchling gecko?

Hatchling leopard geckos have different nutritional needs than adult geckos, so it’s important to offer them a variety of different foods to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need. Some good options include:

– Crickets: These are a staple in the leopard gecko diet. Be sure to offer appropriately-sized crickets to your hatchling.

– Mealworms: Another common food item for leopard geckos, mealworms make a great addition to your hatchling’s diet.

– Waxworms: While these should be fed in moderation due to their high-fat content, waxworms make a good occasional treat for your hatchling.

– Roaches: Dubia roaches are a great option for leopard geckos since they have a soft exoskeleton that is easy for the gecko to digest.

– Pinkie mice: These are a great source of protein for your hatchling gecko, but should be fed sparingly as they are high in fat.


How much food should I offer my hatchling gecko?

The amount of food you offer your hatchling gecko will depend on their age and size. As a general rule, you should offer your hatchling as many appropriately-sized insects as they can eat in 10-15 minutes. Be sure to remove any uneaten insects from their enclosure after this time period has elapsed.


Should I feed my hatchling gecko supplements?

Yes, it’s important to offer supplements to your hatchling gecko. Calcium and vitamin supplements are particularly important for young geckos since they are still growing and developing their bones. You can either dust the insects you offer with the supplements or provide them in a shallow dish in their enclosure.


When should I start offering vegetables to my hatchling gecko?

While hatchling leopard geckos primarily subsist on insects, you can start offering vegetables to your gecko once they are a few months old. Some good options include:

– Collard greens

– Mustard greens

– Kale

Always make sure to chop the vegetables into small, bite-sized pieces so your gecko can easily eat them.


Can I feed my hatchling gecko baby food?

Yes, you can offer baby food to your hatchling gecko occasionally as a treat. Look for pureed baby food options that contain fruits such as apples, pears, and bananas. You can also offer vegetable purees such as sweet potato or squash.


How often should I “gut-load” my hatchling gecko’s insects?

Gut-loading is the process of feeding the insects you plan to offer your gecko with nutrient-rich foods, so your gecko gets the benefit of those nutrients when they eat the insects. You should plan to gut-load your hatchling gecko’s insects every time you feed them. Some good gut-loading options include:

– Carrots

– Sweet potato

– Apples

– Leafy greens


What kind of water source should I offer my hatchling gecko?

It’s important to provide your hatchling gecko with fresh, clean water every day. You can do this by offering a shallow dish of water in their enclosure. Some good options for water dishes include ceramic dishes or small glass bowls.


How can I tell if my hatchling gecko is eating enough?

One way to tell if your hatchling gecko is eating enough is to monitor their weight. As a general rule, a healthy gecko should be gaining weight consistently, so if you notice that your hatchling isn’t gaining weight or is losing weight, it’s a sign that they may not be eating enough. You can also keep track of how much they eat during feeding times to ensure they are getting enough food.


Are there any foods I should avoid feeding my hatchling gecko?

Yes, there are a few foods you should avoid feeding your hatchling gecko, including:

– Fireflies: These insects contain a toxic compound called lucibufagins, which can be fatal to geckos.

– Beetles: Some beetle species excrete a toxic compound that can also be harmful to geckos.

– Citrus fruits: These can cause stomach upset in geckos and should be avoided.



In conclusion, feeding your hatchling leopard gecko requires a little extra attention and care to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that your hatchling gecko is well-fed, healthy, and happy.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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