How To Tell If Your Leopard Gecko Is Healthy

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Leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptiles kept as pets. These creatures are known for their docile nature, hardiness, and easy care requirements. However, just like any other pet, it’s important to keep a close eye on their health to ensure they are living their best lives. This article will help you determine whether your leopard gecko is healthy and what signs to look out for.


Body Condition

Leopard geckos should be of a healthy weight, with a rounded belly and no visible ribs or spine. A leopard gecko that is too thin or too fat could indicate health issues. A healthy leopard gecko should be able to easily digest their food and store fat in their tails, which should be thick and plump.


Eyes and Mouth

Leopard geckos’ eyes should be clear and bright, with no signs of discharge or cloudiness. If you notice your gecko’s eyes appearing cloudy, sunken, or swollen, it could be a sign of a serious illness, such as a bacterial or fungal infection. Additionally, their mouth should be clean and free of any signs of infection, such as sores or ulcers.


Skin and Scales

Leopard geckos have smooth, shiny skin, and their scales should be tight to their bodies. Any signs of rough or flaky skin or missing scales could indicate skin problems, such as parasites or mites. Additionally, if you notice any signs of lethargy, loss of appetite, or abnormal behavior, it could also be a sign of a skin condition.



A healthy leopard gecko should be active, alert, and have a good appetite. They should be able to move around their enclosure freely and without any signs of discomfort. If you notice your gecko being inactive, hiding away, or not eating, it could be a sign of illness or stress. Additionally, leopard geckos should be able to shed their skin without any issues. If you notice any signs of difficulty shedding, such as stuck skin, it could indicate a skin or health problem.



Healthy leopard geckos should produce firm, well-formed stools that are free of any signs of parasites, such as tapeworms or pinworms. If you notice any changes in the frequency or consistency of your gecko’s stools, it could be a sign of digestive problems or an internal parasite. Additionally, if you notice any signs of diarrhea, it could indicate a serious health issue and should be addressed immediately.


Breathing and Heart Rate

Leopard geckos should have a regular, steady breathing pattern, with no signs of difficulty breathing or panting. Additionally, their heart rate should be within a normal range, and any changes in their breathing or heart rate could indicate a serious health issue. If you notice any signs of labored breathing, rapid breathing, or changes in heart rate, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.


Eating Habits

Leopard geckos should have a good appetite and be able to easily digest their food. They should be fed a diet that consists of live insects, such as crickets, mealworms, or waxworms, as well as a calcium supplement to maintain strong bones. If you notice any changes in your gecko’s eating habits, such as a loss of appetite or difficulty swallowing, it could indicate a health issue. Additionally, if you notice any signs of regurgitation or vomiting, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately.



In conclusion, it’s critical to routinely check on the health of your leopard gecko and to seek veterinarian attention if any unsettling signs appear. Clear eyes, a dry, clean tail, smooth skin, regular feedings, and a healthy appetite are indicators of a healthy leopard gecko. Lethargy, lack of food, weight loss, and unusual behavior are all indications of disease, so keep an eye out for these. These can lead you to take your pet to the veterinarian for a checkup. You can contribute to ensuring that your leopard gecko lives a happy and healthy life by adhering to these recommendations and remaining educated about your pet’s health.


Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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