How To Prevent Ticks In Leopard Geckos

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As a leopard gecko owner, one of the most important aspects of their care is keeping them healthy and free from any harmful parasites or pests. Ticks are a common issue that can affect leopard geckos, and it’s essential to take preventative measures to keep them tick-free. In this article, we’ll discuss how to prevent ticks in leopard geckos with 6 to 10 sub-questions.


What are ticks, and what do they do to leopard geckos?

Ticks are external parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. They can transmit diseases and cause skin irritation, anemia, or even death in reptiles, including leopard geckos. Ticks attach themselves to the skin of their hosts and can be difficult to detect until they have already fed on the blood of the animal.


How do ticks get onto leopard geckos?

Ticks can enter a leopard gecko’s enclosure in various ways. They may come in with new substrates, plants, or feeders, or they may hitch a ride on the clothing of the owner. They can also be present in the environment, such as in the wild, or in other pets in the household.


What are the signs of a tick infestation in leopard geckos?

The presence of ticks on a leopard gecko can be challenging to spot, especially in the early stages. However, some signs to look out for include small, dark-colored bumps on the skin, redness or inflammation around an area, lethargy, and a loss of appetite.


What measures can I take to prevent ticks in leopard geckos?

Here are some tips to prevent ticks in leopard geckos:

Keep their enclosure clean: A clean enclosure is essential in preventing tick infestations. Regularly check the enclosure’s components, including hiding spots, branches, rocks, and substrate, for any signs of ticks.

Quarantine new animals: If you plan to introduce new leopard geckos or other reptiles into your household, make sure to quarantine them in a separate enclosure for a few weeks to ensure that they do not bring ticks or other parasites with them.

Pre-treat new feeders: Before feeding your leopard gecko any live food, such as crickets or mealworms, it’s important to pre-treat them by placing them in a separate container with an insecticide.

Wash your hands regularly: Make sure to wash your hands before and after handling your leopard gecko to prevent the transmission of parasites.


Can certain plants or substrates help prevent ticks in leopard geckos?

There are some plants and substrates that may have tick-repellent properties. For example, using rosemary or lavender in your leopard gecko’s enclosure may help repel ticks. Cedar and eucalyptus substrates are also thought to have tick-repellent properties. However, it’s important to note that some substrates, such as sand or gravel, may attract and trap ticks, making it more difficult to control infestations.


What products can I use to prevent ticks in leopard geckos?

In addition to the preventative measures mentioned above, there are some products you can use to prevent ticks in leopard geckos. These include tick repellent sprays and insecticides, which can be applied to the enclosure and feeders to kill or deter ticks. It’s important to use products that are specifically made for reptiles and follow the directions carefully to avoid any harm to your leopard gecko.


How often should I check my leopard gecko for ticks?

Regularly checking your leopard gecko for ticks is essential in catching any infestations early on. Make a habit of inspecting your leopard gecko’s skin for any strange bumps or redness every week or so and pay extra attention during the summer months when ticks are more prevalent.


What do I do if my leopard gecko has ticks?

If you suspect that your leopard gecko has ticks, the first thing to do is to isolate them from other pets and clean their enclosure thoroughly. CAREFULLY remove the ticks from your leopard gecko’s skin using tweezers and make sure to dispose of them properly. If the infestation is severe, or your leopard gecko is showing signs of illness, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Are tick infestations in leopard geckos preventable?

With proper care and preventative measures, tick infestations in leopard geckos are preventable. By consistently checking the enclosure, feeders, and any new animals or substrates introduced into the household, as well as washing your hands regularly, using tick-repellent products, and maintaining a clean environment, you can minimize the risks of tick infestations.


Are ticks harmful to humans?

While ticks are primarily a threat to reptiles, they can also carry diseases that could be harmful to humans, such as Lyme disease. It’s important to take precautions when handling reptiles or being in areas where ticks are prevalent, such as wearing long-sleeved clothing and using tick-repellent sprays. If you suspect that you have been bitten by a tick or have symptoms of a tick-borne illness, seek medical attention immediately.



Preventing ticks in leopard geckos is an essential aspect of their care. By taking preventative measures such as keeping their enclosure clean, quarantining new animals, using tick-repellent products and being vigilant about checking for infestations, you can minimize the risks and ensure that your leopard gecko stays healthy and happy. If you suspect that your leopard gecko has ticks, contact your veterinarian immediately to ensure that they receive proper treatment.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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