How To Make A Moist Hide For Leopard Geckos

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Leopard geckos are one of the most popular reptile pets due to their ease of care and friendly personalities. However, providing the right environment and diet for them can be a challenge, especially when it comes to keeping their skin hydrated. 


In this article, we will discuss how to make a moist hide for your leopard gecko to help keep their skin healthy and promote shedding. By following these simple steps, you can provide a comfortable and safe environment for your pet while ensuring they get the necessary hydration they need.


What Is A Moist Hide And Its Purpose?

A moist hide is a small, moist area within a leopard gecko’s enclosure where they can retreat and regulate their body temperature and hydration. This can be achieved by using a substrate like a sphagnum moss, paper towels, or a damp cloth and placing it inside a small container or box.


Moist hides are important for leopard geckos for several reasons:


  • Hydration: Leopard geckos need to have access to a moist hide so that they can absorb water through their skin, which is crucial for their health and well-being.


  • Thermoregulation: Leopard geckos use moist hides to regulate their body temperature by retreating into the warm, humid environment when they need to cool down or warm up.


  • Shedding: Leopard geckos use moist hides to aid in the shedding process. The moisture helps to soften and remove old skin, making the process smoother and less stressful for the gecko.


  • Stress relief: Moist hides provide a safe, secure hiding place for leopard geckos when they feel stressed or threatened. This helps to reduce anxiety and improve their overall health and well-being.


Materials And Tools Needed



  • Sphagnum Moss
  • Coco Coir or coconut fiber
  • Distilled water




  • A spray bottle
  • A mixing bowl
  • A container for storing the moist hide


Step-by-step Guide

  1. Gather materials: You will need a container or shallow dish, coconut coir, sphagnum moss, and distilled water.
  2. Preparing the substrate: Start by mixing the coconut coir and sphagnum moss in equal parts in a large bowl. The coconut coir will provide the structure, while the sphagnum moss will help retain moisture.
  3. Add water: Slowly add distilled water to the bowl and mix it into the substrate until it is evenly damp. Be sure not to over-saturate the mixture, as this can cause mold growth.
  4. Place substrate in the container: Transfer the damp substrate mixture into your container or shallow dish.
  5. Create a hiding spot: Use a spoon or your hands to create a small depression or cave-like area in the center of the substrate. This will be your leopard gecko’s hiding spot.
  6. Add humidity: Sprinkle a small amount of distilled water over the surface of the substrate, focusing on the area around the hiding spot.
  7. Cover the container: Cover the container with a lid or plastic wrap to keep the humidity levels high.
  8. Place in the enclosure: Put the container in your leopard gecko’s enclosure, making sure it is easily accessible for your pet.
  9. Check moisture levels: Regularly check the moisture levels in the moist hide and add more distilled water if necessary.
  10. Replace the substrate: It is recommended to replace the substrate every two weeks to ensure a clean and healthy environment for your leopard gecko.


Tips For Maintaining The Moist Hide

  • Provide a proper habitat: Make sure your leopard gecko has a proper habitat that is the right size, temperature, and humidity levels. A suitable habitat will help keep their skin moist and healthy.
  • Provide a water dish: Place a water dish in the habitat and refill it regularly to provide your leopard gecko with enough water to drink and soak in.
  • Mist the habitat: Misting the habitat regularly will increase the humidity levels and help keep the skin moist. You can mist the habitat once or twice a day.
  • Use a humidifier: A humidifier can also help keep the humidity levels in the habitat high. Make sure to use a humidifier specifically designed for reptiles and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Use a substrate that retains moisture: Choose a substrate that retains moisture, such as coconut coir or sphagnum moss. This will help keep the humidity levels in the habitat high and prevent the skin from drying out.
  • Avoid using heat lamps: Heat lamps can dry out the skin, so try to avoid using them as much as possible. Instead, use heat pads or heat tapes to provide heat from below.
  • Avoid over-handling: Over-handling your leopard gecko can cause stress and lead to dehydration. So, handle them gently and infrequently.
  • Regularly monitor the humidity levels: Regularly monitor the humidity levels in the habitat and adjust the misting and substrate as needed. A hygrometer will help you monitor the humidity levels.



In conclusion, making moist hide for your leopard gecko is an important aspect of providing proper care and ensuring a healthy environment for them. To create a moist hide, you will need a container, substrate, and water. Choose a container that is large enough to fit your leopard gecko and a substrate that can hold moisture. Fill the container with the substrate and sprinkle water on it, making sure to not soak it. Place the container in a warm area in the terrarium and check the moisture level regularly. With these steps, you can easily make a moist hide for your leopard gecko and provide them with a comfortable and healthy environment.


Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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