How To Clean Leopard Geckos Water Dish

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Leopard geckos require a clean and fresh water source to stay healthy and hydrated. Therefore, it is important to clean their water dish regularly. In this article, we will discuss the steps to clean a leopard gecko’s water dish and address some frequently asked questions regarding their care.


What is a Leopard Gecko?

Leopard geckos are small lizards, native to the desert regions of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. They are commonly kept as pets for their unique appearance, easy care, and docile nature. Leopard geckos can grow up to 10 inches in length and have a distinctive spotted pattern on their skin that resembles a leopard. They can live up to 20 years in captivity with proper care.


Why is Cleaning a Water Dish Important?

Leopard geckos require fresh water every day to maintain their hydration and health. A dirty water dish can harbor bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can lead to infections and diseases. Therefore, cleaning their water dish regularly is crucial to ensure that they have access to clean water and prevent them from getting sick.


What are the Steps to Clean a Leopard Gecko’s Water Dish?

1. Remove the Water Dish: Start by removing the water dish from the enclosure carefully. Leopard geckos can be skittish and may get startled by sudden movements, so it is crucial to move slowly and steadily.

2. Dump the Old Water: Empty the old water out of the dish into a sink or drain.

3. Scrape Off Debris: Use a soft bristle brush or sponge to gently remove any debris or residue that may have accumulated on the dish. Avoid using harsh chemicals, soap, or disinfectant as they can be harmful to your pet gecko.

4. Soak in Hot Water: Fill the dish with hot water and let it sit for a few minutes. This will help to loosen any remaining debris and kill any bacteria or parasites that may be present in the water dish.

5. Scrub the Dish: After soaking, use the brush or sponge to scrub the dish gently to remove any remaining debris. Rinse the dish thoroughly with hot water to ensure that all the residue has been removed.

6. Soak in Disinfectant Solution: To further sanitize the water dish, you can use a reptile-safe disinfectant solution. Mix the solution according to the manufacturer’s instructions and soak the dish in it for a few minutes. This step is optional but recommended to keep the water dish clean and free of harmful bacteria and parasites.

7. Rinse Thoroughly: After soaking in the disinfectant solution, rinse the dish thoroughly with hot water to remove any remaining traces of the solution.

8. Dry the Dish: Use a clean towel to dry the dish or let it air dry. Ensure that there is no water left before refilling it with fresh water and returning it to the enclosure.


What are Some Tips for Maintaining a Clean Water Dish?

1. Provide Fresh Water Daily: Change your leopard gecko’s water daily to ensure that they have access to clean and fresh water.

2. Choose the Right Size of Dish: The water dish should be large enough to accommodate your pet gecko comfortably and prevent tipping over.

3. Position the Dish Carefully: Place the water dish in a location that is easy for your pet gecko to access but away from their hiding and feeding areas, reducing the risk of contamination.

4. Remove Debris Regularly: Use a soft-bristled brush or sponge to remove debris regularly to prevent buildup and make cleaning easier.

5. Sterilize the Dish Regularly: Use a disinfectant solution to clean the water dish regularly to kill any harmful bacteria or parasites that may be present.

6. Watch for Signs of Contamination: If you notice any unusual odor, discoloration, or visible debris in the water dish, it’s time to clean it immediately.

7. Offer Multiple Water Sources: Consider using multiple water dishes, particularly if you have multiple geckos in the enclosure, to reduce competition and ensure that all the geckos are getting enough water.



Proper hygiene plays a vital role in keeping your leopard gecko healthy and happy. Cleaning their water dish regularly is essential to providing them with clean and fresh water, preventing the spread of diseases, and overall improving their quality of life. Follow these simple steps and tips, and your gecko will thrive in a clean and safe environment.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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