How Far Can A Leopard Gecko Fall?

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Leopard geckos are a popular pet among reptile enthusiasts due to their small size, docile nature, and unique appearance. These lizards are known for their ability to climb and jump, but what happens when they fall? How far can a leopard gecko fall and still be safe? 


The majority of leopard geckos can fall from 5 to 6 feet without any problems, however, you shouldn’t try it or even encourage it. This is especially true if they land on a soft surface. However, if they land awkwardly or bump into something while falling, they could still potentially get injuries.


In this article, we will explore the physical capabilities of leopard geckos and discuss what factors determine the distance they can fall without injury. We will also provide tips for preventing falls and ensuring the safety of your pet leopard gecko. So, if you’re a leopard gecko owner or just curious about these fascinating lizards, read on to learn more!


How Can A Leopard Gecko Survive From A Fall?

Leopard geckos are relatively hardy creatures and can survive a fall with minimal injury if they land properly. Here are a few ways a leopard gecko can survive a fall:


  • Flexible body: Leopard geckos have flexible and limber body that allows them to absorb the impact of a fall. Their tail is also prehensile, which allows them to grab onto surfaces and control their fall.


  • Strong bones: Leopard geckos have strong bones that are able to withstand the impact of a fall without breaking.


  • Good landing surface: If a leopard gecko falls from a relatively low height, such as from a vivarium, and lands on a soft surface such as a carpet or a bed of substrate, it is less likely to be injured.


  • Good reflexes: Leopard geckos have good reflexes and are able to adjust their body position in mid-air to land safely.


  • Low center of gravity: Leopard geckos have a low center of gravity, which helps them maintain balance and control their fall.


However, if a leopard gecko falls from a significant height or lands on a hard surface, it can still sustain injuries such as broken bones or internal injuries. It is important to ensure that their enclosure is secure and that they are not able to fall from a high height. If a leopard gecko is injured after a fall, it should be taken to a veterinarian for treatment.


What To Do After A Leopard Gecko Falls

If your leopard gecko falls, it is important to take immediate action to ensure their well-being. Here are some steps to take after a fall:


Check for injuries: Carefully examine your leopard gecko for any visible injuries such as cuts, bruises, or broken bones. If you notice any injuries, seek veterinary care immediately.


Monitor their behavior: Observe your leopard gecko’s behavior for any signs of distress, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or difficulty moving. If you notice any of these signs, seek veterinary care.


Provide a warm and comfortable environment: Make sure your leopard gecko’s enclosure is warm and comfortable, with a suitable hiding spot and adequate humidity. This will help them to recover from the fall and regain their strength.


Offer a nutritious diet: Make sure your leopard gecko has access to a nutritious diet, including a variety of live insects and a calcium supplement. This will help them to regain their strength and recover from the fall.


Keep them in a safe environment: Make sure your leopard gecko’s enclosure is safe and secure, with no sharp edges or objects that could cause injury. This will help to prevent future falls.


It is important to seek veterinary care if you notice any injuries or signs of distress after a fall. With proper care and monitoring, your leopard gecko should recover from a fall with no long-term effects.


How To Prevent Leopard Geckos From Falling

  1. Provide a secure enclosure: Make sure the enclosure you choose for your leopard gecko is sturdy and secure. Avoid using plastic or glass enclosures as they can be easily broken or knocked over. Instead, opt for a wooden or metal enclosure that can withstand the weight of your gecko and any climbing or jumping they may do.
  2. Use a secure substrate: The substrate or bedding you use in your leopard gecko’s enclosure should be non-slip and stable. Avoid using loose materials like sand or gravel as they can be easily knocked over and cause your gecko to fall. Instead, use a substrate like a coconut fiber or reptile carpet that will provide a secure footing for your gecko.
  3. Provide climbing structures: Leopard geckos love to climb and explore, so providing them with plenty of climbing structures is a great way to keep them entertained and prevent them from falling. You can use things like rocks, branches, and climbing walls to create a natural and secure environment for your gecko.
  4. Monitor your gecko: Regularly check on your leopard gecko to make sure they are not in a precarious position or about to fall. If you notice them getting too close to the edge of their enclosure or climbing on something unstable, gently guide them back to a more secure location.
  5. Avoid overcrowding: Overcrowding your leopard gecko’s enclosure can lead to falls and injuries. Make sure to provide enough space for your gecko to move around freely and safely.



Based on research and anecdotal evidence, it is believed that leopard geckos can safely fall from heights of up to 5-6 feet without experiencing an injury. However, it is important to note that every gecko is unique and may have different tolerance levels for falls. Additionally, the surface they land on (such as a hard floor vs. soft bedding) can also play a role in the potential for injury. Therefore, it is recommended to always provide a safe and secure environment for your leopard gecko, and avoid placing them at heights that may pose a risk of falling.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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