Common Mistakes Of Leopard Gecko Owners

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Leopard geckos are popular pets among reptile enthusiasts, thanks to their unique and fascinating characteristics. However, owning a leopard gecko requires some responsibility and care. As with any pet, there are common mistakes that leopard gecko owners can make, which can negatively impact their health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the top common mistakes of leopard gecko owners, and how to avoid them.


Housing Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes leopard gecko owners make is housing their pet in unsuitable environment. Leopard geckos are nocturnal and require a warm, dry, and spacious habitat. Many owners make the mistake of using small enclosures that are not suitable for the gecko’s size and needs. A small enclosure can lead to stress and health issues for the gecko, as well as impact their activity levels.

To avoid this mistake, provide your leopard gecko with a spacious enclosure that is at least 20 gallons in size. Also, ensure that the enclosure has a secure lid, as leopard geckos are excellent escape artists. The enclosure should be equipped with a heat source and a substrate that is safe for the gecko to walk on, such as reptile carpet, paper towels, or tile.


Incorrect Feeding

Another common mistake leopard gecko owners make is feeding their pet the wrong diet. Leopard geckos are insectivores, and they require a diet of live insects. Some owners make the mistake of feeding their gecko inappropriate insects or not providing a varied diet. This can lead to malnourishment and other health issues.

To avoid this mistake, feed your leopard gecko a diet of live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. Avoid feeding your gecko insects that are too large, as this can lead to impaction. It’s also important to provide a varied diet by offering different types of insects.


Poor Temperature Control

Leopard geckos are ectothermic, which means they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. Maintaining the correct temperature is crucial for their health and well-being. Many owners make the mistake of not providing a suitable temperature gradient or not monitoring the temperature in the enclosure.

To avoid this mistake, provide a temperature gradient in the enclosure. This means having a warm side and a cool side, with the warm side being around 90°F and the cool side around 75°F. Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature regularly and adjust the heat source as needed.


Lack of Hiding Places

Leopard geckos are nocturnal and require a place to hide during the day. Hiding places provide a sense of security for the gecko and help reduce stress. Many owners make the mistake of not providing enough hiding places in the enclosure.

To avoid this mistake, provide at least two hiding places in the enclosure. This can be in the form of a hide box, rock cave, or other suitable shelter. Make sure the hiding places are accessible and secure, and change them regularly to prevent bacterial growth.


Improper Handling

Leopard geckos are delicate creatures, and improper handling can cause stress and injury. Many owners make the mistake of handling their gecko too much or not handling them correctly.

To avoid this mistake, handle your gecko gently and only when necessary. Wash your hands before and after handling, and never pick up your gecko by the tail, as this can cause it to drop its tail. Support the gecko’s body properly and avoid sudden movements or loud noises that can startle it.


Ignoring Signs of Illness

Leopard geckos can suffer from various health issues, including respiratory infections, metabolic bone disease, and parasitic infestations . Unfortunately, many owners make the mistake of ignoring signs of illness or not seeking veterinary care when needed.

To avoid this mistake, monitor your gecko’s behavior and appearance regularly. Look for signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss, or abnormal droppings. If you notice any of these signs, seek veterinary care immediately. Early intervention can help prevent serious health issues and save your gecko’s life.



Leopard geckos are fascinating pets that require proper care and attention. Avoiding the common mistakes mentioned above can help ensure your gecko’s health and well-being. Remember to provide a suitable enclosure, feed a varied diet of live insects, maintain the correct temperature, provide hiding places, handle gently and properly, and monitor for signs of illness. With proper care, your leopard gecko can live a long and healthy life as your beloved pet.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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