How To Tell If Leopard Gecko Eggs Are Fertile

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Are you a leopard gecko breeder or are you planning on breeding your leopard geckos? One of the most important things to know is whether or not the eggs laid by your female gecko are fertile. Fertile eggs have a higher chance of hatching into healthy baby leopard geckos, but how can you tell if an egg is fertile?

The practice of candling is used to assess whether or not leopard gecko eggs are viable. In order to examine what is inside the eggs, candling is done by shining an extremely bright light on them. It’s a viable leopard gecko egg when it has veins and a shadow.

In this article, we will discuss the signs of a fertile leopard gecko egg and how to properly care for them until they hatch. By understanding these key indicators and proper care techniques, you can increase your chances of successful breeding and raising healthy leopard gecko babies.


What Is The Candling Process?

The simplest method to verify whether a leopard gecko egg is fertile or infertile is to candl them. To candle an egg, you’ll need a bright source of light, such a little flashlight, and a dim environment.

The egg will illuminate when the light is gently placed on its top, allowing you to view what is inside. A viable egg will have a chalky white exterior and a leathery-feeling substance.

The egg will appear pink when candled, and you will also notice some hazy vein-like lines. You might even spot a tiny red circle as incubation develops. The outside of infertile eggs will look more atypical.

The shell will have translucent areas, and it can look sparkly. The egg can be cracked open to show a yellow inside devoid of any veins.

If there is even a slight chance that the egg is fertile, you should still let it incubate even if the egg seems to be yellow on the inside.

Numerous leopard gecko owners have claimed that an egg hatched even though the interior of the egg seemed to be yellow. The egg will develop mold, get discolored, and eventually rot if it is actually infertile.

To prevent the mold from spreading to the healthy egg, remove the egg from the incubator as soon as it starts to smell bad. An egg might occasionally have a little ding in it. The egg may still be viable despite this.

An egg with a dent usually indicates that it is excessively dry, and the dent normally goes away when the egg is exposed to high humidity.

If you’re having issues with this, you should read our page on damaged eggs with leopard geckos.


How To Properly Incubate A Leopard Gecko Egg

  1. First, gather all necessary supplies including an incubator, thermometer, substrate, and egg containers.
  2. Set the incubator to a temperature of 80-85°F and check the temperature regularly with the thermometer.
  3. Fill the egg containers with substrates, such as vermiculite or perlite, and carefully place the eggs on top of the substrate.
  4. Place the eggs in the incubator and cover them with a small layer of the substrate.
  5. Keep the eggs in the incubator until they hatch, typically 6-8 weeks.
  6. During incubation, check the eggs regularly for signs of development and humidity levels.
  7. When the eggs are ready to hatch, they will have a small crack on the surface. Carefully remove the hatchlings from the incubator and place them in a suitable enclosure with proper heating and substrate.
  8. Keep the hatchlings separate from any adult leopard geckos for their first few months to prevent aggression.
  9. Continuously monitor the temperature and humidity levels in the enclosure to ensure proper care for the hatchlings.


How To Care For Hatchling Leopard Geckos

Hatchling leopard geckos are very delicate and require special care to ensure they grow and thrive. Here are some tips for caring for hatchling leopard geckos:

  • Provide a suitable habitat: Leopard geckos require a terrarium or vivarium with a substrate of coconut coir or sand, a hiding place, a water dish, and a heat source. The enclosure should be at least 10-20 gallons for a single gecko and larger for multiple geckos.
  • Maintain the right temperature and humidity: Leopard geckos require a temperature range of 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 70-75 degrees at night. You can use a heating pad or ceramic heater to maintain the temperature. The enclosure should also have a humidity level between 30-40%.
  • Feed your gecko a balanced diet: Hatchling leopard geckos should be fed a diet of insects such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. They should also have access to a calcium supplement and a multivitamin.
  • Handle your gecko gently: Hatchling leopard geckos are very fragile and should be handled gently. Avoid picking them up by the tail and instead hold them gently with both hands.
  • Clean the enclosure regularly: Clean the enclosure at least once a week by removing any uneaten food and waste. Replace the substrate every few months to keep the enclosure clean and hygienic.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your hatchling leopard gecko grows and thrives in a healthy and happy environment.


What Can You Do With Infertile Leopard Gecko Eggs?

The following are the 3 approaches to handling infertile leopard gecko eggs:

  • Give them to a local breeder or reptile store; they will retain them until they can prove that they are indeed infertile and then dispose of them on your behalf. Fertile eggs are typically accepted as well.
  • As terrible as it may seem, female leopard geckos have been known to eat their infertile eggs, and some even eat fertile ones. Feed them to your leopard gecko. They can regain the nutrients they lost when they stopped laying eggs when they do. However, if you’d rather avoid it, you might feed the eggs to other pet reptiles instead.
  • If you can’t use any of the two ways stated above, your only option is to throw them away. Make sure the eggs are fertile first, or freeze them for at least a day, before proceeding.



In conclusion, determining whether leopard gecko eggs are fertile or not is important for ensuring the success of breeding. There are a few key indicators to look for, including the presence of a clear or milky substance inside the egg, the presence of visible veins or blood spots, and the overall shape and size of the egg. Additionally, checking the temperature and humidity of the incubation environment and observing the behavior of the parent geckos can also provide valuable information about the fertility of the eggs. By following these guidelines, breeders can accurately assess the fertility of their leopard gecko eggs and take the necessary steps to ensure the health and well-being of their hatchlings.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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