How To Give a Leopard Gecko a Bath?

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If kept in a clean habitat, leopard geckos often don’t need to be bathed and can keep themselves fairly clean. However, if your gecko is having trouble shedding its skin, develops a skin disease, or gets visibly unclean, it might need to be washed. Fortunately, there are a few easy procedures you can use to assist your leopard gecko in shedding and maintaining a clean exterior.


Do Leopard Geckos Like Water?

Leopard geckos are a type of reptile and, like most reptiles, they do not require standing water in their environment. However, they do need access to clean water to drink and will occasionally soak in water to hydrate their skin. It is important to provide a shallow water dish for your leopard gecko to drink from, but be sure to clean and refill the water dish regularly to prevent bacteria from accumulating. Some leopard geckos may also enjoy soaking in a shallow dish of water, but it is not necessary for their overall health and well-being. It is important to keep in mind that leopard geckos come from arid regions and do not require frequent watering. In general, it is best to allow your leopard gecko to regulate its own hydration by providing a clean water dish and allowing it to drink as needed.


How Often Should I Give My Leopard Gecko A Bath?

Only give your leopard gecko a bath when absolutely necessary, such as after shedding or if it gets dirty. When necessary and up to once or twice a month, this can occur.

It is not necessary to give your leopard gecko a bath on a regular basis. Leopard geckos are naturally clean animals and will groom themselves by licking their bodies and shedding their skin. If your leopard gecko becomes dirty or has an excess of dried fecal matter stuck to its body, you can give them a shallow bath using lukewarm water. It is recommended to only do this as needed, rather than on a set schedule. Additionally, it is important to make sure the water is not too deep or too hot, as leopard geckos are prone to stress and can easily become injured in water.


How To Give A Leopard Gecko A Bath

  • Prepare a shallow plastic, glass, or tub that you will use to soak or bathe your leopard gecko first. Your leopard gecko’s container has to be larger.
  • Put a piece of cloth or paper towel on the container’s base. Your leopard gecko will receive more support and be able to unwind if the towel is placed at the bottom of the container.
  • Then, add around 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) of water to the container/tub; it should only reach your leopard gecko’s knees or up to its belly. Never overfill the tank with water; if the water level is too high, don’t presume leopard geckos can swim. Some owners do that, however, in this situation, the leopard gecko is merely trying to get away and is not swimming, which will stress it out tremendously!
  • The temperature of the water in the leopard gecko bath is also crucial; it should be lukewarm but not heated. The ideal temperature is between 86 and 90 °F (30 to 32 °C). Due to the fact that leopard geckos are cold-blooded reptiles, make sure the water is lukewarm. During the bath or soak, avoid letting the water get chilly.
  • Use tweezers, a q-tip, or even your fingers to carefully remove the skin if your leopard gecko has a stuck shed. Retained shed skin must be removed immediately since it can restrict blood flow and cause loss.
  • Before its body temperature lowers, put your leopard gecko back in the tank after drying it with a paper towel (throw it away afterward).
  • To help it remove any trapped skin, it is ideal to give your leopard gecko a bath after it sheds.
  • There is no need to give your leopard gecko a wash if there is no sticky skin. Examine the head, the limbs, and the area between the toes.


What NOT To Do When Giving A Leopard Gecko A Bath

  1. Do not use hot water – Leopard geckos are cold-blooded reptiles and need a cool environment to regulate their body temperature. Using hot water can cause them stress and harm their health.
  2. Do not soak the gecko for too long – While a quick soak in shallow water can help remove excess dirt and shed skin, soaking the gecko for too long can cause them to become chilled and stressed.
  3. Do not use soap or other cleaning products – Leopard geckos do not need soap or other cleaning products to stay clean. Using these products can strip their skin of natural oils and cause irritation.
  4. Do not wash the gecko’s head or face – Leopard geckos have sensitive skin and eyes, and washing their head or face can cause irritation and discomfort.
  5. Do not allow the gecko to drink the bath water – Water in a bath can contain chlorine and other chemicals that can be harmful to leopard geckos. It is important to provide clean, fresh drinking water in a separate container.



In conclusion, giving a bath to a leopard gecko can be a beneficial part of their overall care and hygiene. It is important to use lukewarm water, avoid getting water on their head or in their eyes, and provide a safe and secure place for them to bathe. By providing regular baths, you can help your leopard gecko shed their skin properly and maintain cleanliness. However, it is essential to always keep an eye on your gecko during the bath and make sure they are comfortable and not stressed. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your leopard gecko’s bath time is a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your reptile friend.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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