How To Fatten Up A Leopard Gecko

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Leopard geckos are a popular pet reptile known for their docile nature and ease of care. However, some leopard geckos may be underweight or appear thin due to poor diet or health issues. If you have a leopard gecko that needs to gain weight, there are several steps you can take to help them fatten up. In this article, we will discuss the importance of proper nutrition, feeding techniques, and monitoring your leopard gecko’s weight to ensure they are healthy and happy.


Providing Balanced Diet

To fatten leopard geckos, it is important to provide them with a balanced diet. This includes a variety of live insects, such as crickets, mealworms, and roaches, as well as a calcium and vitamin supplement to ensure proper nutrition. It is also important to ensure that the leopard gecko has access to fresh water at all times. Additionally, providing a heat source for the leopard gecko can help increase its metabolism and promote weight gain. It is also important to note that overfeeding and lack of exercise can lead to obesity and other health problems in leopard geckos, so it is important to monitor their diet and weight closely.


Considering Environmental Factors

  • Provide a suitable habitat: Make sure the enclosure is large enough and provides adequate space for your leopard gecko to move around comfortably. The enclosure should also have a basking spot and a hiding spot.
  • Feed them a balanced diet: Feed your leopard gecko a diet that is high in protein, such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms. Offer a variety of insects to ensure your gecko is getting a balanced diet.
  • Control the temperature: Leopard geckos require a basking spot that is around 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and a cooler spot that is around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This will help them digest their food properly and regulate their metabolism.
  • Offer a calcium supplement: Make sure your leopard gecko has access to a calcium supplement to ensure they are getting the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.
  • Monitor their weight: Keep track of your leopard gecko’s weight and make sure they are gaining weight at a healthy rate. If they are not gaining weight, consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.
  • Provide regular exercise: Provide your leopard gecko with a climbing structure or toys to encourage them to move around and stay active.
  • Consider the age of your gecko: Younger geckos tend to be skinnier than older geckos, so be patient and give them time to grow.
  • Avoid overfeeding: Overfeeding your leopard gecko can lead to obesity, which can cause health problems. Make sure to feed them the appropriate amount of food for their size and weight.


Give A Leopard Gecko Regular Exercise

Leopard geckos are primarily ground-dwelling lizards that do not require a lot of exercises. However, providing opportunities for your gecko to move and explore can help keep them healthy and mentally stimulated. Here are some ways to give your leopard gecko exercise:


  • Provide a larger enclosure: Leopard geckos thrive in environments that mimic their natural habitat. A larger enclosure will give them more space to explore, climb, and move around.


  • Add climbing structures: Leopard geckos love to climb, so adding branches, rocks, and other structures will give them the opportunity to do so.


  • Introduce new items: Changing up the layout of their enclosure and adding new items, such as hiding spots and toys, will provide mental stimulation and encourage your gecko to explore.


  • Handling: Regularly handling your leopard gecko will give them the chance to move around, and it will also help strengthen the bond between you and your pet.


  • Provide a heat gradient: Leopard geckos need a temperature gradient in their enclosure to regulate their body temperature. This will give them the chance to move around and find the perfect spot for basking.


It’s important to note that leopard geckos are nocturnal animals, so they will be most active at night. Be sure to provide plenty of hiding spots for them to retreat to during the day when they are less active. Additionally, it’s essential to make sure that your leopard gecko has a healthy diet and access to clean water to maintain their overall health and well-being.



In conclusion, fattening up leopard gecko involves providing them with a healthy diet that includes high-quality crickets, mealworms, and other insects, as well as a balanced calcium and vitamin supplement. It is also important to ensure that the leopard gecko has access to fresh water and a heat source to aid in digestion. Additionally, providing a larger enclosure or hiding spots can encourage activity and help the leopard gecko maintain a healthy weight. It is important to monitor the gecko’s weight and progress regularly and consult with a veterinarian if there are any concerns.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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