How To Clean A Leopard Gecko Tank & How Often?

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As responsible leopard gecko owners, we know how important it is to keep your aquarium clean.

Cleaning a lizard’s tank is a quick and easy process if you keep up with it, but you need to know how and how often to do it.

As a general rule, leopard gecko tanks should be spot-cleaned daily by removing droppings, bowls and floors should be washed weekly with dish soap or pet sanitizer, and enclosures should be thoroughly cleaned monthly by scrubbing all surfaces. there is. Stick to this 1-1-1 plan for faster cleaning and healthier pets.

If you’re wondering the difference between spot cleaning, weekly cleaning, and deep cleaning, you’re not alone. Today we’ll take a look at why you need to do all three types of cleaning and how skipping one or more can harm your pet’s health.


How Often Do You Need To Clean A Leopard Gecko’s Tank?

Daily, weekly, and monthly cage maintenance should be done. Spot-clean your leopard gecko tank daily to remove any droppings you may find. Also, depending on the species, the substrate should be changed or washed up to once a week.

Paper towels should be changed once or twice a week and carpets should be soaped once a week. You should thoroughly clean your leopard gecko tank once a month. This includes removing all accessories and cleaning the inside of the tank and all accessories.


How To Spot-clean Your Leopard Gecko’s Tank

Because leopard geckos excrete in the aquarium, regular spot cleaning is required. Luckily, spot cleaning only takes a few minutes. All you need are gloves and a paper towel. Once you have collected these, follow these steps:


  • Wear gloves

Because leopard geckos carry disease-causing bacteria, gloves should always be worn when spot cleaning.


  • Find out where leopard geckos poop

A leopard gecko will usually pluck one corner of the aquarium, where she will repeatedly defecate. So finding this place early will make cleaning easier. You can also line that corner with paper towels to make things easier.


  • Dispose of feces and other particles

Once you have identified where your leopard gecko is defecating, wipe the feces with a paper towel. This poop is usually dry, so scooping is not a hassle. But it’s not just poop that’s worrisome. You should also remove any leftover food or molted skin left in the tank.

Then remove the gloves if they are disposable. Reusable gummies should be sanitized after each use.


How To Weekly Clean Your Leopard Geckos Tank

A weekly wash is a little more thorough than a partial wash. We recommend doing this on the same day each week.

This will help you remember to keep your pet’s habitat sterile and tidy. The easiest way to do this is to remove the shell from the tank first. Rinse each dish and place it in a bucket of hot, soapy water. Soak the dishes in the bucket while you clean the floor.

Remove your pet from the tank and place it in its cage while food, calcium, and a bowl of water are submerged in a bucket of dish soap and hot water. This sterilization process takes only a few minutes but is easiest and safest to perform when the pet is removed from the tank.If you choose to cover the entire bottom of the tank with loose material, repeat this step. No need to run.

Instead, take a closer look at the substrate for any droppings or leftovers you may have missed in your daily picks. Reptile rugs are a common substrate used by owners. We do not recommend using reptile rugs as leopard gecko claws and toes are very small and can get caught in rug fibers. If you buy one rug, we recommend getting two.

Remove soiled material and wash the carpet with soap and water. Make sure you have a clean spare carpet in your tank to make this weekly process easier. So you can dry your reptile rug thoroughly after washing and it will be ready for the next week. For tanks with vinyl or tile bottoms, the bottom of the tank must first be wiped to remove any dirt.

Then clean the floor using a special sponge with soapy water or a special reptile disinfectant. Let the solution sit on the floor for a few minutes while you return to the soaking bowl and scrub it clean. Remove the bowl from the soapy water and scrub it clean with a special sponge. Always rinse several times and dry thoroughly before returning to the tank.


How To Deep Clean Your Leopard Gecko’s Tank

You should thoroughly clean your leopard gecko tank from time to time. This type of cleaning is more thorough than the weekly Spot He cleaning. So it takes much longer.


  • Remove the leopard gecko from the tank

Before you start cleaning, put on gloves and remove your leopard gecko from its tank and place it in its holding cage instead. If you don’t have a holding cage, you can use a plastic container with a hole in the side to fill it with air. Don’t forget to seal it tightly with a lid afterward. Otherwise, the leopard gecko may escape.


  • Remove all electrical equipment

Once you’ve removed your leopard gecko, the next step is to unplug all appliances your reptile uses and let it cool. These include lighting lamps, heat mats, and heat lamps. Leaving the plug plugged in while cleaning the tank exposes the wires to water and can cause a short.


  • Take everything out of the tank

At this point, you should remove any shells, toys, and other accessories from your leopard gecko’s tank. Remove the board and throw it in the trash. If the substrate is loose, it can be removed from the tank using a brush and shovel. However, do not place other items from the tank directly on the surface of your home. Bacteria can spread throughout your home. Instead, place it on a bucket or paper towel.


  • Cleaning and disinfection of tanks

When the tank is empty, wash it with warm soapy water – use a sponge to scrub from top to bottom. Dishwashing soap or specialized gecko cage soap can be used for this purpose.

When you are satisfied with the amount of scrubbing, rinse the cage thoroughly and dry it with a paper towel. Then spray the disinfectant and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Please read the package for exact wait times. Finally, rinse the tank well and dry it.


  • Cleaning and disinfection of tank accessories

Rinse the gecko’s bowl first, then apply the disinfectant. Let the sanitizer sit for a few minutes (following the instructions provided), then soak the bowl in warm, soapy water.


  • Put everything back in the tank

Once everything is dry, put the new substrate in the tank and restore it to its original state. Then put the leopard gecko back in the tank. Once you’ve done that, remove your gloves and sanitize them if they’re reusable. Otherwise, throw it in the trash.



Perfect hygiene and cleanliness are very important to keep your leopard gecko healthy. You should create a cleaning schedule and spend time cleaning your leopard gecko’s habitat on a regular basis. This article describes how to clean a leopard gecko terrarium, a leopard gecko cleaning schedule, how often to clean a leopard gecko tank, cleaning solutions, and how to clean leather, carpet, and other materials.

Regular cleaning of your leopard gecko’s cage is very important to prevent bacterial and viral infections. In addition, cleaning does not create unpleasant odors and stains.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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