How Often Do Leopard Geckos Poop?

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Most people want to know how much work owning a pet will entail as responsible pet owners, especially when it comes to cleaning up after them. So, how frequently should you anticipate seeing your leopard gecko poop?

Adult leopard geckos may only poop once every few days, compared to the multiple times a day that hatchling and juvenile leopard geckos may dump. The amount of food ingested, age and metabolism all have an impact on how frequently a leopard gecko feces.

The frequency of feces is influenced by a variety of circumstances, just like in humans (and other animals). The digestion cycle varies a little bit between individuals.

Leopard geckos are developing quickly and eat a lot when they are young. It is a straightforward equation: more goes in, and more comes out during this stage of rapid growth. Adult leopard geckos may only eat once every two to three days, which results in less frequent excrement production.


What If My Leopard Gecko Isn’t Pooping?

A leopard gecko may go many days without pooping, which is completely normal, but there may be long stretches without passing any feces. If your leopard gecko hasn’t gone potty in more than a few days, there might be something wrong. There won’t be any waste to dispose of if it hasn’t been eaten, but you might want to see a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles to determine why your gecko has stopped eating. This can indicate more health problems.


  • Impaction

Another possible explanation for your leopard gecko’s lack of excrement is impaction. Impaction denotes a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Using sand as a substrate frequently results in this, and some of the sand is consumed.


  • Proper Temperature

Another element might be temperature. Leopard geckos rely on ground heat (also known as belly heat) to aid in the digestion of their meal. They won’t be able to digest if the temperature is too low. For leopard geckos, we advise under-tank heaters because of this.

On the warm side of your enclosure, the temperature should be around 90 °F (32 °C), while the cool side should be around 80 °F (27 °C), with a dip into the 70s at night. On our habitat setup page, you can read more about your leopard gecko’s heating requirements.


  • Dehydration

Another factor that could contribute to a leopard gecko’s inability to excrete is dehydration. The feces won’t be able to form properly to move through the digestive system if there isn’t enough moisture. Leopard geckos still need to drink water despite getting some moisture from the insects they consume.


  • Stress

Stress is the final factor keeping them from going potty. The body of a leopard gecko responds to stress in a variety of ways that may not make much sense. They might have trouble sleeping, become more hostile, or even poop less as a result.

And because I refer to stress as the “silent killer” of leopard geckos, I believe it is crucial that we take every precaution to lessen it so that they are spared from unpleasant experiences. If there is anything you can change to relieve your leopard gecko’s stress so they may resume pooping properly, do it right away. It is not comfortable to be unable to poop because your body has reached its limit.


What Does Normal Leopard Gecko Poop Look Like?

Poop from leopard geckos comprises two distinct components. The majority of it should be barrel-shaped, brown in color, and made of food waste. Its length should be roughly half an inch.

The second, smaller component—the solid urine waste—should be spherical and white in color. Urate, a solid excretion in reptiles, is the opposite of the liquid urine that mammals use to eliminate uric acid.

Leopard geckos obtain the majority of the water they require from their diet because they are native to dry and semi-arid regions. This causes firm stool and solid urine.

Poop from a healthy person will always be brown and rounded. It shouldn’t be runny or wet and should be reasonably hard.

A white glob that is connected to the excrement and is the size of a quarter of the stool constitutes the urate. It typically shows up near to or attached to the leopard gecko’s droppings. Depending on their level of moisture, the consistency might range from gooey to more firm.

Poop from healthy leopard geckos might not always resemble what is described above. Leopard geckos consume their skin during shedding. Most of this skin is not digested and ends up in their feces, giving it a white appearance. This is entirely typical.


Does Leopard Gecko Poop Smell?

The feces of leopard geckos are rather tiny and odorless. The likelihood is that you won’t notice that your gecko has used the restroom until you see it in the tank (meanwhile our cat can clear a room after visiting the litter box.)

If you’re meticulous in cleaning up after your leopard gecko, you shouldn’t experience any odor problems.



Knowing how frequently your leopard gecko poop is crucial because if they don’t do it frequently enough, it could be a sign of a bigger issue that needs to be addressed to prevent things from getting worse.

Leopard geckos all poop, though on different days, at different times, and in varying amounts. However, how much depends largely on how much food they are consuming. Your leopard gecko will probably only poop on the days that they are fed if you only give them food three days a week.

They’ll probably poop every day if it happens every day. However, as was already mentioned, each one has a unique digestive system, and just like people, they all have unique genes that affect how their bodies function.

Every time you feed your leopard gecko, it should poop, which indicates that they are likely in excellent health and that you shouldn’t be concerned. It’s time to check to see whether impaction is the problem first if you’re feeding them and they’re going days without going potty, and then take it from there.

Normally, you can handle this at home, but if things worsen, you might need to consult a veterinarian.

Martin Rodriguez

Martin Rodriguez

Leopard Geckos are awesome!

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